Gestion des ravageurs en agriculture biologique

Gestion des ravageurs en agriculture biologique cover photo

La clé de la gestion des ravageurs et des mauvaises herbes sur les fermes biologiques est de réduire leur impact en utilisant différentes pratiques de gestion.

  1. Marshall, Edward & K Brown, V & Boatman, Nigel & J W Lutman, P & R Squire, G & K Ward, L. 2003. The role of weeds in supporting biological diversity within crop fields. Weed Research. 43. 77 - 89.
  2. Reddy P.P. 2017. Weed Manipulation. In: Agro-ecological Approaches to Pest Management for Sustainable Agriculture. Springer, Singapore
  3. Uvah, I. I. I. and TH Coaker. 1984. Effect of mixed cropping on some insect pests of carrots and onions. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. Vol 36. Issue 2. pp 159- 167
  5. Soil fertility management and insect pests: harmonizing soil and plant health in agroecosystems. Miguel A.AltieriClara I.Nicholls. Soil and Tillage Research. Volume 72, Issue 2, August 2003, Pages 203-211
  6. Harry L. Carlson and James E. Hill (Jan., 1986), Wild Oat (Avena fatua) Competition with Spring Wheat: Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization. Weed Science Vol. 34, No. 1 pp. 29-33
  • organic
  • pests
  • weeds
  • organic pest management
  • organic food
  • organic farming
  • insects
  • disease
  • biodiversity
  • farm
  • farming
  • inputs

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