For The Media

AITC Media Centre

Thank you for your interest in learning more about Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) and all the ways we create meaningful connections to agriculture and food for Canadian students. 
AITC-C is a charitable organization, operating across the country to deliver accurate, balanced, and current resources showcasing the agriculture and food industry. Our ten provincial member organizations are committed to a cross-Canadian effort to reach educators and students in every classroom in the country. This effort aims to provide programs and resources that bridge the knowledge gap about Canadian agriculture, create curiosity about agri-food careers, and help produce the next generation of informed consumers.
We are the national voice for agriculture education in Canada.
Please see below for our most current progress reports, brand guidelines, and media contact information. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.


Media contact

Kaylyn Whibbs

Communications Coordinator

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada 

Media Kit

2023-2024 Annual Progress Report

Media releases

AITC-C promotes careers in agriculture with I AM AG campaign

AITC-C promotes careers in agriculture with I AM AG campaign

November 7, 2023 (Toronto, ON) – Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) has launched an innovative national campaign to inspire and encourage Canadian youth to consider a career in the agriculture and agri-food industry. The campaign was introduced at the Royal Agricultural Fair in Toronto today in celebration of Career Month in Canada.  

 I AM AG is an interactive social media campaign designed to engage the agriculture industry to share their ag pride and highlight their unique role to inspire and encourage students to consider a career in agriculture.  

 “Connecting with youth through this initiative is a great way to educate young people about the importance and impact of agriculture,” says Mathieu Rouleau, Executive Director of AITC-C. “Climate change, food security and labour shortages are some of the pressing issues impacting our industry and we need to inspire the decision makers and leaders of tomorrow – who are in classrooms today – to be part of the solution for a sustainable future.”  

 The campaign, which can be found at, uses an interactive, online video tool to engage people who work in the agriculture sector to celebrate and share their uniqueness and highlight the role they play in the industry. They are encouraged to share their AI-generated video on social media using the hashtag #IAMAG to promote the diversity of careers in agriculture. The youth-facing version of the tool links students to suggested careers in agriculture based on their own unique attributes. 

 “One in eight jobs in Canada is in the agriculture and agri-food industry and we must ensure those jobs are filled and grow in the future,” says Rouleau. “There is a world of opportunity, and we want to encourage the next generation to be a part of this vibrant and diverse industry.” 

 With a vision to create meaningful connections to agriculture and food, AITC-C is the national advocate for agriculture education, representing a collective of 10 provincial member organizations who deliver agriculture education on the ground across Canada. AITC-C is the umbrella organization connecting the national network to facilitate sharing and collaboration and deliver accurate, balanced, and current resources. Visit to learn more.  

AITC-Canada partners with McCain Foods to kick off Career Month

November 1, 2023 (Headingley, MB) – Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) has partnered with McCain Foods to encourage high school students to explore the endless career opportunities within agriculture in celebration of Career Month in Canada. 

To kick off Career Month, an annual national event celebrating the importance of accessing meaningful work, high school students across Canada were invited to participate in Explore the Possibilities, a virtual career exploration event designed to discover the opportunities to work in the agriculture and agri-food sector.  

This morning, the Explore the Possibilities event featured a panel of four McCain employees with diverse backgrounds who shared their career journeys and insights to inspire students to consider a career in agriculture. AITC-C moderated the event, highlighting the variety of careers and opportunities at McCain, a leader in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food industry and the world’s largest manufacturer of potato products.  

“Agriculture is requiring ever more diverse skill sets as we see exciting new technologies coming into the industry and use data to improve efficiency on farm and throughout the entire supply chain,” said Daniel Metheringham, Vice President Agriculture & Sustainability North America Potato. “People are key to pushing forward the industry, and there is an array of exciting roles available to help transform sustainable farming and the future of food.” 

“The future of agriculture is sitting in classrooms today,” says Sara Shymko, Interim Executive Director of AITC-C. “Thanks to the support of valuable partners like McCain Foods, we want to inspire the next generation of big thinkers, decision-makers, and leaders to be part of agriculture’s future.” 

More than 3,300 students from 58 schools across the country participated in the virtual panel earlier today. Teachers can still share the panel with their classrooms by accessing the link at AITC-C's YouTube channel.

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada  announce 2023 scholarship recipients

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada announce 2023 scholarship recipients

Five students selected to receive a total of $15,000

(Headingly, MB) - Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C), a Canadian charitable organization with a vision to bring agriculture to every classroom, and Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), the voice of Canadian dairy farmers, are proud to announce the winners of the DFC Here for Tomorrow Scholarship, powered by thinkAG.

Over 110 submissions were received this year from across the country, an increase by over 50% from year 1. The 2023 scholarship recipients are:

- Lena Park: Grade 11 student from British Columbia (Visual Arts piece on The Three Sisters)

- Victoria Pitsiaeli: Grade 12 student from British Columbia (Video- Setting her sights on being an Agronomist)

- Olivia Szerepi: Grade 11 student from Ontario (Written Essay on caring for those who care for us)

- Calvin Cao: Grade 12 student from Ontario (Video on the AI future of Pest-Busting)

- Edward Sy: Grade 12 student from Ontario (Written essay on Biotechnologists being the Guardians of Sustainability)

Read more.

AITC-Canada celebrates successful national programs and launches search for new Executive Director

June 8, 2023 (Headingley, MB) – Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) and its member organizations provided almost 600,000 student learning experiences from March to May through programs and initiatives across the country. With a vision to create meaningful connections to agriculture and food, AITC-C is the national advocate for agriculture education, representing a collective of 10 provincial member organizations who deliver agriculture education on the ground across Canada.   

During Canadian Agriculture Literary Month (CALM) in March, 1,040 volunteers helped 3,200 teachers in 2,100 schools provide 185,000 student experiences across Canada, expanding their understanding of agriculture through classroom presentations, activities and resources. In April and May, the Great Canadian Farm Tour, a series of virtual farm tours highlighting agriculture in each of the 10 provinces, created more than 399,000 student experiences with over 1,600 teachers registered to participate.

“It’s more important than ever to inspire the next generation to care about the food they eat and where it comes from,” says Rebecca Sooksom, Chair of AITC-C and member of AITC-Nova Scotia. “Thanks to our amazing volunteers, supportive partners and staff, we are reaching more students each year and bringing agriculture into classrooms across Canada.”

Read more here.

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada celebrates Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month with the announcement of $953K in funding from AAFC

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada celebrates Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month with the announcement of $953K in funding from AAFC

Ottawa, Ontario – March 23, 2023 – Technology and youth go hand in hand. Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) helps students discover their passion for agriculture and empowers them to explore career paths in our industry. The use of technology and digital platforms is critical for this outreach, which is why AITC-C is pleased to announce the roll-out of its new digital agriculture awareness campaign, with funding support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).

Today, AITC-C welcomed Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, to the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum in Ottawa. Minister Bibeau announced funding of up to $953,260 over two years under the AgriCommunication Program for AITC’s new campaign that will inform and excite the next generation of Canada’s big thinkers, decision-makers and leaders in agriculture.

“Young people are key to ensuring future success of the agricultural sector. We must help them discover vast career possibilities from a young age. I applaud the incredible work that Agriculture in the Classroom is doing to connect tomorrow’s leaders to the agriculture and agri-food sector and spark interest in this important work.” – The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Read more here.
