Plant Breeding and Food Security Food security "exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life." Download to Learn More Related snapAG Articles Antibiotics in Food Biosecurity Organic Farming Beef Protein and the Environment Global Protein Consumption What are GMOs Organic Soil Management Organic and Synthetic Pesticides Neonics Global Protein Consumption Advanced Plant Breeding Antibiotic Resistance Antibiotics – What and Why? Vaccines Animal Welfare or Rights Transporting Farm Animals Pig Housing The Myth of Factory Farms Intensive Livestock Operations Dairy Cows Chicken Housing Hormones Today’s Farm Soil Horticulture in Canada Aquaculture in Canada Water Management Farm Animals Animal Breeding Agriculture and Land Use Agriculture and Greenhouse Gases Environmental Farm Plans Conservation Tillage Crop Rotation Carbon Sequestration Protein and Nutrition Food Safety Food Waste Grass-Fed and Grain-Finished Beef Pesticides on Food Organic Food Eggs Dairy in Your Diet Milk Pasteurization Gluten Food Additives GMOs and the Environment GMO Foods GMOs Around the World Organic Pest Management Conventional or Organic Fertilizer Fertilizer Use Fertilizer Irrigation Grain Farm Technology Glyphosate Pesticides and the Environment Pesticides – What and Why? Plant Breeding and Food Security Genetics and Farming Genetic Engineering and Human Health History of Plant Breeding Bees Bioplastics Crop Byproducts Eating Local Food Processing Food Security Invasive Species Regenerative Agriculture Robotics in Agriculture Supply Management Urban Agriculture Urban Pesticides Websites to Investigate This Topic Further Golden Rice Project International Food Policy Research Institute References References: Agriculture and food security: fifth anniversary (editorial, Agriculture and Food Security, 2017) An overview of agriculture, nutrition and fortification, supplementation and biofortification: Golden Rice as an example for enhancing micronutrient intake (Agriculture and Food Security, 2017) Golden Rice: instructions for use (Agriculture and Food Security, 2017) The State of Food Insecurity in the World (FAO, 2015) What is Food Security? (World Food Programme) The Beginning of the Green Revolution (University of Minnesota) Agriculture in 2050: Recalibrating Targets for Sustainable Intensification (BioScience – Oxford Academic) World Population Clock (US Census Bureau) World hunger again on the rise, driven by conflict and climate change, new UN report says (World Health Organization) Green Revolution (Encyclopaedia Britannica) Haber-Bosch process (synthetic fertilizer) (Encyclopaedia Britannica) History of Pesticide Use (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) Triticale (Encyclopaedia Brittanica) Sub1A is an ethylene-response-factor-like gene that confers submergence tolerance to rice (Nature) Submergence Tolerant Rice: SUB1’s Journey from Landrace to Modern Cultivar (Rice) Increasing food security (International Rice Research Institute) and Nature (journal paper). Staple foods: What do people eat? (FAO) Facts & Figures on Food and Biodiversity (IDRC) Tags food plants biotechnology pesticides GMO farming health food security what is food security nutrition nutrients plant breeding the green revolution crops cereal farm food insecurity food system genetics gene research science