About CALM

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM) takes place each March and is a celebration of agriculture in classrooms across the country. Each provincial AITC organization offers uniquely different activities, all aimed at helping students learn about, connect to and celebrate agriculture. 

This is the 14th year celebrating CALM across Canada. Over the last 13 years, CALM has been able to deliver over 870,000 student experiences, in 17,000+ classrooms thanks to the work of over 5,300 volunteers.

To follow along with CALM 2025 check out #CALM25

Quotes from Previous CALM Participants

I found the information very interesting and there were several things that I learned as the teacher. Our presenter clearly knew her stuff and was able to also show and tell the students about local agriculture businesses. It's a very good program and will definitely be doing it again next year. 

Teacher Alberta

The students will remember these visits for the whole year. It will be the highlight of their school year.

Teacher Newfoundland

We absolutely loved providing you with hours of assistance in this extraordinary project!

Volunteer École-O-Champ

It was a wonderful time. The kids touched the samples, answered questions and were greatly involved. We spoke about agriculture and logistics, geography and climate. I shared my story about living in Ukraine, our flag and the grain symbol on it. Thank you again for the great opportunity to be a part of such a helpful and important project.

Tetiana Dosuzha Cargill Volunteer, Manitoba

It was truly a wonderful experience. All of the children were so polite, bright and engaging. Their questions were amazing and I think there are some future beekeepers amongst them. It was a privilege to be able to do this and I feel happy and rewarded from this time with them. 

Donna House Beekeeper Volunteer, Newfoundland

The program is wonderful and is needed in our schools. Thank you so much.

Teacher Alberta

CALM Through The Years

Thanks to our Presenting Partners