Outreach Programs

“As the world’s population grows, this is an important time for Canadian agriculture and educating the next generation of consumers is something FCC is proud to support. Through Agriculture in the Classroom, young people will understand where their food comes from. We also hope to inspire them to pursue fulfilling careers in the agriculture and agri-food industry.”

Michael Hoffort, President and CEO, Farm Credit Canada


thinkAG image

What is it?

No matter your interest, you can find yourself connected to agriculture and food. thinkAG is a dynamic and interactive collection of teaching resources and outreach tools that encourage exploration and curiosity into the myriad of career opportunities available in the agriculture and food sector.

Who is it for?

For high school students, with a variety of programs and resources available in different provinces.

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month image

What is it?

CALM is a hands-on program that encourages children to learn about and celebrate Canada’s agriculture and food story in various ways, including reading books about farming and food, watching videos and meeting with farmers and others in the agriculture industry. Building an awareness for students about the connection they have to local farmers and the agriculture and food sector is what makes CALM so impactful.

Who is it for?

Students from K-12. Every province delivers it different.

Tools & Resources

A new teaching resource called connectAG - Piecing Together Our Food Story will be piloted through CALM 2018. This interactive resource will encourage students in Grades 7-9 to learn and explore using a series of real Canadian farmer profiles. Critical thinking and discussion will be encouraged, as students experience through team-role play, where and how food is grown and produced.


Blossom's Big Job

Blossom’s Big Job is about a busy honey bee on a mission to pollinate her flowers until they mature into fruit. Readers follow Blossom as she helps collect nectar for her hive and works hard to pollinate her flowers. Blossom’s Big Job was launched at Holy Family School in Paradise, NL on March 1st, 2018. With the help from special guests such as the Minister of Education, Adelaide’s Newfoundland Honey, and the NL Beekeepers Association, students in attendance were the first in Canada to hear Blossom’s story. Students got to learn how honey is made, the importance of honey bees to the food system, see Beekeeper’s tools, and even taste some local honey. As part of the launch, Adelaide’s Newfoundland Honey donated a beehive for our Bee Creative Adopt-A-Hive Contest where students entered to win a beehive to decorate and have placed on the NL Honey Bee Reserve.

Download Blossom's Big Job (PDF, 10Mb)

How to get involved?

Learn More

Journey 2050

Journey 2050 image

What is it?

JOURNEY 2050 takes students on a virtual simulation that explores world food sustainability. The program allows students to make decisions through interactive video games and witness their impact on society, the environment and the economy at a local and global scale. Teachers guide their students through inquiry-based lesson plans that showcase farm families around the world.

Who is it for?

The program was developed with teachers and sustainability experts to complement grades 7-12 STEM curriculum.

“The CALM program is an amazing coordination across the country that links schools with farmers. Just by showing up and smiling, a bridge has begun to be built.”

AITC Saskatchewan, Volunteer,

Thinking about a career in agriculture?