Métiers et professions dans l’agriculture


Discover your future at thinkAG.ca!

What is your future? Do you dream of owning your own business? Maybe you are the creative type, eager to make your mark with graphic design? Or perhaps you get excited by the idea of a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)? Would you be surprised to learn that all of those  (and more!) are career options within the agri-food sector?  Careers in agriculture and food are incredibly diverse… and they aren’t all on the farm.

The agriculture and food sector is at the leading edge of research and innovation to address global challenges. There are endless opportunities which will allow you to make a difference: feed the growing population, protect the environment, care for animals, or help people.

So go ahead…take a look through these profiles of real Canadians working in agriculture and food. You may just get a glimpse of what your future can hold.

Commodity Trader

Commodity Trader

Bo Hallborg may have grown up in a small town, but this Merchandiser is hooked on city living and the excitement he gets as a commodity trader. 

Bo Hallborg may have grown up in a small town, but this Merchandiser is hooked on city living and the excitement he gets as a commodity trader. He works for Viterra, one of the world`s largest marketers of grains, oilseeds and pulses. On a daily basis Bo works with his contacts in regional sales across the Prairie provinces to understand Viterra`s supply to the market. Then he works with people from around the world to understand buyers’ needs and the factors that influence price. Usually before 10 a.m. he has spoken with people in several different countries on the other side of the world, in places like China, the Netherlands, Australia and Belgium.  Once he has an understanding of some key factors he applies his knowledge to work to Viterra`s and their producers’ benefit.

It`s a cool job and although it usually attracts people with a more traditional finance background, Bo has built his effectiveness into his role at Viterra by approaching it from more of a sales angle. It works well, as his peers and superiors have become accustomed to his excellent performance on the job. His business administration degree with a focus on marketing provided him skills, but his upbringing may have helped as well. His father worked at elevators across the province, so he learned quite a bit about the business of agriculture at a young age.

An avid athlete, Bo spends time playing hockey, ball and golf. He also enjoys hunting and fishing, as well as some time away to pursue recreation. It`s all possible through his career in agriculture. The options are truly wide open for many professions in agriculture because Canada will continue to be a major trading partner with the world for generations to come.

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