For The Media

AITC Media Centre

Thank you for your interest in learning more about Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) and all the ways we create meaningful connections to agriculture and food for Canadian students. 
AITC-C is a charitable organization, operating across the country to deliver accurate, balanced, and current resources showcasing the agriculture and food industry. Our ten provincial member organizations are committed to a cross-Canadian effort to reach educators and students in every classroom in the country. This effort aims to provide programs and resources that bridge the knowledge gap about Canadian agriculture, create curiosity about agri-food careers, and help produce the next generation of informed consumers.
We are the national voice for agriculture education in Canada.
Please see below for our most current progress reports, brand guidelines, and media contact information. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.


Media contact

Kaylyn Whibbs

Communications Coordinator

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada 

Media Kit

2023-2024 Annual Progress Report

Media releases

Precision Agronomist

Precision Agronomist

Katie MacMillan is a Precision Agronomist with Farmers Edge. Her company provides agronomy and Variable Rate Technology services to farmers, connecting technology with traditional agronomic practices. Katie understands the role Canada plays in a safe and nutritious food supply and takes pride in helping producers grow their crop the best, most sustainable way possible. 

Katie has a bachelor of science in agribusiness. She graduated in 2011 and since then has taken the certified crop science consultant course

Katie is responsible for providing producers with services and advice on how to get maximum yields in the most sustainable way possible. She says the best part of her job is having the opportunity to build relationships with farmers in her area. Katie relies heavily on technology to complete her daily tasks, doing things like using satellite imagery to create production maps, writing fertility recommendations for fields, delivering variable rate prescriptions to farmers, scouting fields, collecting samples for tissue testing and soil sampling. During the fall and winter, soil sampling and planning for the upcoming crop season keeps her busy, as well as attending producer meetings and visiting farm shows across Canada.

Katie sees agriculture as one of the most exciting and innovative fields to be in. Growing up on a farm, she was exposed to agriculture her whole life and it was her first career choice, but said she sees immense opportunity in agriculture for people who do not come from a farming background as well.