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Ready to get your hands dirty?

Are you fascinated by food? Are you passionate about agriculture? Do you want to inspire the next generation to care about the food they eat, where it comes from, and the farmers who grow it?

If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) is the national voice of agriculture education. And we are looking for hard-working, enthusiastic individuals who are committed to sharing Canada’s food story with young people across the country.

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Current Job Opportunities

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada  announce 2023 scholarship recipients

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada announce 2023 scholarship recipients

Five students selected to receive a total of $15,000

(Headingly, MB) - Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C), a Canadian charitable organization with a vision to bring agriculture to every classroom, and Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), the voice of Canadian dairy farmers, are proud to announce the winners of the DFC Here for Tomorrow Scholarship, powered by thinkAG.

Over 110 submissions were received this year from across the country, an increase by over 50% from year 1. The 2023 scholarship recipients are:

- Lena Park: Grade 11 student from British Columbia (Visual Arts piece on The Three Sisters)

- Victoria Pitsiaeli: Grade 12 student from British Columbia (Video- Setting her sights on being an Agronomist)

- Olivia Szerepi: Grade 11 student from Ontario (Written Essay on caring for those who care for us)

- Calvin Cao: Grade 12 student from Ontario (Video on the AI future of Pest-Busting)

- Edward Sy: Grade 12 student from Ontario (Written essay on Biotechnologists being the Guardians of Sustainability)

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AITC-Canada celebrates successful national programs and launches search for new Executive Director

June 8, 2023 (Headingley, MB) – Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) and its member organizations provided almost 600,000 student learning experiences from March to May through programs and initiatives across the country. With a vision to create meaningful connections to agriculture and food, AITC-C is the national advocate for agriculture education, representing a collective of 10 provincial member organizations who deliver agriculture education on the ground across Canada.   

During Canadian Agriculture Literary Month (CALM) in March, 1,040 volunteers helped 3,200 teachers in 2,100 schools provide 185,000 student experiences across Canada, expanding their understanding of agriculture through classroom presentations, activities and resources. In April and May, the Great Canadian Farm Tour, a series of virtual farm tours highlighting agriculture in each of the 10 provinces, created more than 399,000 student experiences with over 1,600 teachers registered to participate.

“It’s more important than ever to inspire the next generation to care about the food they eat and where it comes from,” says Rebecca Sooksom, Chair of AITC-C and member of AITC-Nova Scotia. “Thanks to our amazing volunteers, supportive partners and staff, we are reaching more students each year and bringing agriculture into classrooms across Canada.”

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Agriculture in the Classroom Canada celebrates Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month with the announcement of $953K in funding from AAFC

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada celebrates Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month with the announcement of $953K in funding from AAFC

Ottawa, Ontario – March 23, 2023 – Technology and youth go hand in hand. Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) helps students discover their passion for agriculture and empowers them to explore career paths in our industry. The use of technology and digital platforms is critical for this outreach, which is why AITC-C is pleased to announce the roll-out of its new digital agriculture awareness campaign, with funding support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).

Today, AITC-C welcomed Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, to the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum in Ottawa. Minister Bibeau announced funding of up to $953,260 over two years under the AgriCommunication Program for AITC’s new campaign that will inform and excite the next generation of Canada’s big thinkers, decision-makers and leaders in agriculture.

“Young people are key to ensuring future success of the agricultural sector. We must help them discover vast career possibilities from a young age. I applaud the incredible work that Agriculture in the Classroom is doing to connect tomorrow’s leaders to the agriculture and agri-food sector and spark interest in this important work.” – The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

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Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month connects students with their food through innovative learning experiences

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month connects students with their food through innovative learning experiences

The Agriculture in the Classroom National Collective celebrates 12 years of their flagship program by providing activities from coast-to-coast

Headingley, MB - Most people eat multiple times every single day. Each bite is connected to agriculture, whether they realize it or not.

This March will mark the 12th year of Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM). The Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) National Collective is passionate about offering hands-on activities and programs for students so they can realize, understand, and  engage with their own connections to agriculture.

“For more than a decade, Canadian Agricultural Literacy Month has given us an opportunity to celebrate our connections - as Canadians - to agriculture,” said Rebecca Sooksom, chair, AITC-C. “Linking students with food producers helps keep that connection strong so the next generation of Canadians knows not only where their food comes from, but also the importance of the sector to our communities from coast to coast.” 

Each AITC member organization offers its own learning opportunities to students in their respective province, including reading challenges, contests, videos, classroom presentations, and ag resource kits. Some of these include: seed kits, launching new resources, and in class visits from agriculture industry professionals.

“Canada’s Agriculture Literacy Month is an excellent opportunity to show young people where our food comes from, as well as the essential and fascinating work of those who produce it. Thanks to partners like Agriculture in the Classroom Canada, we can provide teachers with tools, programs and teaching materials to help entice the next generation to choose one of many career options available within the agriculture and agri-food sector,” said Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. 

Although AITC offers resources and programs year-round, it takes extra pride during the month of CALM, as hundreds of ag-proud volunteers sign up to give of their time to meet with students from coast to coast. In 2022, CALM provided more than 137,000 student experiences with agriculture and food in all ten Canadian provinces. Together with its supporting partners Cargill and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Canadian Agricultural Partnership, AITC will expand its reach and get closer to its vision of having agriculture in every classroom, inspiring every student.

“We are honoured to continue our support for CALM and its mission of educating communities on how their food is produced, connecting farmers to the families they feed,” said Jeff Vassart, President, Cargill Canada. “This work is vital in introducing a whole new generation to the vast world of agriculture and the many roles that Canadians play in feeding the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way.”

For more information about CALM , please visit Follow along on social media:  #CALM23   #OurFoodOurStory 

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Five $3,000 scholarships available for youth to think agriculture for a sustainable future

Five $3,000 scholarships available for youth to think agriculture for a sustainable future

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada and Dairy Farmers of Canada join forces for a second year to provide an enhanced scholarship opportunity to youth nationwide

(Headingley, MB) With a successful inaugural scholarship launch under their belts, Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) and Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) are thrilled to offer the DFC Here for Tomorrow Scholarship, powered by thinkAG, again in 2023. 

In its pilot year, the scholarship received 42 applications from coast to coast, and had multiple teachers participate in the classroom project. Drawing on the excellent submissions from year one, DFC and AITC-C have increased the number of award recipients from two to five, and raised winnings from $2,500 to $3,000 per student. By expanding the scholarship offering, DFC and AITC-C hope to support more students as they continue their education journeys. 

Open to Canadian students in Grades 10-12 (Secondary 4-5 in Quebec), this scholarship aims to invigorate and equip the next generation with the understanding and belief that they have the power to make informed, sustainable food choices and career decisions.

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